Tuesdays at the Castle
by Jessica Day George
Reading level: Ages 8 and up
Genre: Middle Grade Fantasy
Hardcover: 240 pages
Genre: Middle Grade Fantasy
Hardcover: 240 pages
Tuesdays at Castle Glower are Princess Celie's favorite days. That's because on Tuesdays the castle adds a new room, a turret, or sometimes even an entire wing. No one ever knows what the castle will do next, and no one-other than Celie, that is-takes the time to map out the new additions. But when King and Queen Glower are ambushed and their fate is unknown, it's up to Celie, with her secret knowledge of the castle's never-ending twists and turns, to protect their home and save their kingdom.
I figured that I might as well begin the year with my
Christmas Book (naturally, at my house there will always be books for
I became a fan of Jessica Day George's when I picked up Sun
and Moon, Ice and Snow because it was based on "East of the Sun, West of
the Moon." It's always been one of my absolute favorite fairy tales, but
every retelling I've found tends to turn it into a Cinderella story (which is
so disappointing because this is such a great girl-power story). But here,
finally, was one that was about as true to the story as any retold fairy tale
is. I then moved on to her Dragon Slippers books and loved them as well. She's
also written two more retold fairy tales (Princess of the Midnight Ball and
Princess of Glass) that are new favorites too. It was only natural that her
newest novel for middle grade girls (it has a heroine instead of a hero, hence
for girls) was quickly moved to the top of my To-Read list. Happily I was not
Tuesdays at the Castle was a delightful afternoon read
(admittedly, I read FAST), and I suspect would be perfect to read aloud. Sadly
my daughter is still too young to sit still long enough for a book without
pictures, but when that changes, this is on my list of books to read to her.
The book is written very well. The language was mostly at a
middle grade level with some great vocabulary words woven through it. Nothing
was jarring or out-of-place. The children didn't use phrases that scream
Suburbia Middle School. There was enough detail to establish a sense of place
and get your imagination going without having to slog through tedious passages
of total description.
I also love Princess Celie. In her, we have a delightful
heroine who isn't nauseatingly perfect, a well-intentioned idiot, or a spoiled
brat. She reads as a very real eleven-year-old girl. In fact, much like many a
preteen I've known, she's in a bit of a snit when the book begins. That being
said, she isn't stagnant as a character either; she manages to grow as a person
over the course of the book. This isn't something that's easy to do in so short
a book.
That brings me to one of my two major complaints: the
length. This was too short. The ending felt very rushed and it didn't tie all
the ends together in a satisfactorily manner. I suspect that this is the first
book in a new series, but since book two isn't ready to read, I have to live
with a vaguely dissatisfied feeling until it is released. If there is no book
two, then I'm going to be very disappointed.
My other complaint is a very trivial one, but a niggling
little annoyance nonetheless: ages. Now in middle grade, people's ages matter.
Once you hit adult you're an adult until you're old, but for everyone under 18
their ages mean something and they are used by people under 18 to help figure
out how they need to relate to that other person. Bearing that in mind, ages
were something of a mystery. You don't find out the age of Celie's brother
until halfway through the book (I thought him a little older), and never find
out the age of her sister. There's also another character who I though was much
younger than he turned out to be. It was slightly disappointing (and kinda creepy)
when I realized his age.
But those two things aside (or included if you like), this
is a great read that is sure to appeal to fantasy readers of all ages. I
definitely recommend it. (Seriously... I lent my book to my mother-in-law. I
need to get that back.)
You can buy it HERE or support your local
brick-and-mortar store.
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